২১'শে জুন ২০২৪ইং বিশ্ব ইয়োগা দিবস উপলক্ষে দুই দিন ব্যাপী কমন ইয়োগা প্রোটোকল ওয়েবিনার Online Desk ২১'শে জুন বিশ্ব ইয়োগা...
Yoga can change anyone's life. Most of the people in today's world suffer from depression. Most people are humanly ill. Which can be cured only by Lyle Ai Yoga. Hatu yoga, According to Yoga Shastra, the functional capacity of the organs of the body is raised to the highest level through the holistic care of the nervous system and the mind-body relationship. Connecting the sutras in a natural way is yoga.
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• Address : Gopalganj, Dhaka, Bangladesh
• WhatsApp : 01765926504