প্রাচীনা ইয়োগা ‘ঢাকা ইয়োগা এন্ড ওয়েলনেস ফেস্ট ২০২৩’-এ অংশগ্রহণ করেছে। প্রাচীনা ইয়োগার প্রদর্শনী এবং আলোচনা সম্পূর্ণ অনুষ্ঠানে প্রানসঞ্চার করে। দর্শক এবং অতিথিবৃন্দ সকলেই প্রাচীনা ইয়োগার প্রদর্শনীতে মুগ্ধ হয়েছে এবং ইয়োগার মাধ্যমে আদর্শ জীবন নির্বাহে উদ্বুদ্ধ হয়েছে। সম্পুর্ন পরুন
বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে, কোমর ব্যথা একটি দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ব্যথা হিসাবে দেখা দেয়। অনেকেই পিঠের ব্যথায় ভোগেন। এই ধরনের সমস্যা বিভিন্ন কারণে ঘটতে পারে। বিশেষ করে জীবন অলসভাবে অতিবাহিত হলে এবং শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশে রক্ত চলাচল ঠিকমতো না হলে যেমন কোমর ব্যথা হতে পারে, তেমনি
বিস্তারিত পড়ুন
Finding moments of inner quiet in today’s fast-paced society is becoming increasingly difficult. Fortunately, the ancient disciplines of yoga and Meditation provide a balanced path to cultivating peace amid turbulence. This essay delves into the significant relationship between yoga and Meditation, examining
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Yoga is a complex and ancient practice that has evolved into various styles, each with distinct emphasis and benefits. Yoga has something for everyone, from the calm and gentle to the dynamic and flowing. In this post, we’ll walk you through some
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As the year closes. It is time to reflect on our health and well-being. As you may already be aware, our brains become smaller and less dense as we age. People may experience these changes as early as their mid-to late-20s! According
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There is a meditation practice for every issue. Do you find that to be an absurd claim? Although it’s not, it could seem like a way if you still need to do it yourself. But there is a truth: you will be
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The auditory illusion known as binaural beats comes from the brain. Contrary to common perception, they don’t produce sound. Since Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered them in 1839, much research has been done on them. Binaural beats were employed for various purposes, including
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A sound is made up of a variety of frequencies that can either be melodies or noises. A sound becomes music if the frequencies are balanced, enjoyable to listen to, and elicit positive feelings; otherwise, it is just noise. Sound is the
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Jot down a few amusing minor incidents from this week that you would otherwise forget. Send a letter to a person in your life who you feel saps your vitality. Saying farewell will suffice to avoid their excessive negativity. Instead, vow to
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Here is a quick overview India is the country where yoga first appeared and has been practiced for almost 3,000 years. The Sanskrit word “yuj,” which meaning to tie, connect, attach, and yoke, is where the term “yoga” originates. Additionally, this signifies
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