Dr. Mrithunjay Rathore

Additional Professor, Department of Anatomy
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Tatiband, G.E Road, Raipur (C.G.)
Ph: +919098762320


1- Mrithunjay Rathore, Periyasamy, D. K. Sharma, Manisha Sinha. Electromyographical analysis of the effect of yoga posture on the trunk muscle activities and its significance: a pilot study. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology.2015; 2(2):74-80

2- Ranjana S. Arya, Suhasinee, Mrithunjay Rathore. A Morphological Study on the Anatomic Variation of Musculocutaneous Nerve with its Clinical Implication. Journal Of International Medical and Dental Research.2015; 2(1):311-315

3- Atul Manoharrao Deshkar, Sujit Kumar Naik, Mrithunjay Rathore, et al. Background Music at the time of academic assessment as Stress buster: Perception of the students at Govt medical college, Bilaspur. Journal of Evidenced based Medicine and Healthcare.2015; 2(40):6682- 6689. DOI: 10.18410/ Jeb mh /2015/913.

4- D.K Sharma, Vandana Sharma, Mrithunjay Rathore, et al. Pineal Gland Still a Bit of Mystery: An Escort study. Indian Journal of Anatomy. 2015; 4(3): 133-140.

5- Mrithunjay Rathore, D.K Sharma, Manisha B.Sinha, and A.U Siddiqui: A Focused Review- Thoracolumbar Spine: Anatomy, Biomechanics and Clinical Significances Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and physiology Vol.1 No 1, October 2014.

6- Mrithunjay Rathore, Sarita Agrawal, Prasanta Nayak, Dr Manisha Sinha (2014):Exploring the Significance of “Bandha and Mudra” in pelvic floor dysfunction. Journal of yoga Mimamsa Vol 46 Issue 3& 4/Jul-Dec –Dec 2014.

7- D.K Sharma, Mrithunjay Rathore, A.U.Siddiqui:Body Donation Awareness- The Only Solution for Scarcity of cadavers in Medical Education in India, Vol 3,No 4,Oct-Dec 2014.

8- Manisha B Sinha , Mrithunjay Rathore, Human Prasad Sinha :A study of variation of Sacral hiatus in dry bone in Central India region: International J.of Health Care and Biomedical Research ,Vol 2 Issue 4, July 2014, page 46-52

9- Sinha Manisha Trivedi S, Siddiqui AU, Rathore M: Occipital Condyle : Morphology and Morphometric for Trancondyalar Approach : NJCA 2014;3(4):209-14 10- Soumitra Trivedi, Sinha MB, Sharma DK ,Rathore M, Siddiqui AU: Abnormal musculotendinous slip from Biceps Brachii to Pronator Teres- Case Report, International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 2015;6(01):64-66
11- Akshataa Deshkar ,Rahul Bhargava, Atul Manohar Deshkar ,Pradeep Soni, Mrithunjay Rathore :Ergo medicine services in rural and urban Chhattisgarh; J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/Eissn-2278-4802,Pissn-2278-4748/Vol.3/Issue

12- Rathore M, Sinha MB, Trivedi S, Siddiqui AU (2013): An Anatomical Insight into the Biomechanics of Cobra Posture. International J of healthcare & Biomedical Research , Volume :2 Issue :1,Oct 2013,Pages 61-66

13- Sinha Manisha B, Rathore Mrithunjay, Trivedi Soumitra, Siddiqui AU (2013): Morphometric of first pedicle of Sacrum and its clinical relevance. International J of healthcare & Biomedical Research, Volume: 1, Issue: 4,July 2013,Page 234-240.

14- Rathore M, Siddiqui A.U, Sinha M.B, Trivedi S:A Unilateral Variant of Musculocutaneous Nerve – Case report, International Journal of Current Research ,Vol 6,Issue 02,Feb 2014.

15- SoumitraTrivedi, AU Siddiqui, TP Sinha, M Rathore – Absence of External indicis – A Rare anatomical Variant- international journal of Biomedical Research,(2014)(,05),(01)

16- D K Sharma,Visnudutt, Vandana Sharma , Mrithunjay Rathore: Prevalence of “Cervical Rib” and its association with gender, body side, handedness and other thoracic body anomalies in a population of central India, Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research ; March 2014:Vol-3,Issue-2,P.593-597593

17- Manisha B,A U Siddiqui ,Mrithunjay Rathore , Soumitra Trivedi and DK Sharma,: Bilateral Variation in Origin of pectorals minor , March 2014, international Journal of Biomediacl Research.

18- Abu UbaidaSiddiqui, Kusum Rajendra Gandhi, Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi, Mrithunjay Rathore – Morphometric Assessment of the Greater Palatine Foramen with the Adjacent Anatomical Landmarks. Indian Journal of Anatomy, July – December, 2013Volume 2 Number 2

19- Abu Ubaida Siddiqui,1 Syed Rehan Hafiz Daimi,2 KusumRajendra Gandhi,2 Abu Talha Siddiqui,3 Mrithunjay Rathore1: Crista Terminalis, MusculiPectinati, and TaeniaSagittalis: Anatomical Observations and Applied Significance. ISRN AnatomyVolume 2013 (2013), Article ID 803853, 6 pages

20- Raj purnima, Rathore Mrithunjay,DeshkarAtul: Assessment of Awareness About Sickle Cell disease Amongst Rural And Urban Population of Central Chhattisgarh…. 4th international Abstract published conference on sickle cell disease 2010

21- Deshkar Atual, Deshkar Akshataa, Rathore Mrithunjay ,Tembhurnikar pnakaj: Assement of Diabetic Before And After Laughter Yoga Session…Abstract published Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology 2010 volume 54 number 2

22- Rathore. M, Deshkar. AM, Deshkar. AA, Tembhurnikar. PS, Naik. SK & Joy. A: Study Of Nadishodhana, Bhramari Pranayama And Omkar Chanting On Autonomic Functions And Its Reflection On Performance Amongst Preclinical Medical Students… The Internet Journal of Health. 2011 Volume 12 Number 2



1. Presented oral paper titled “Immunomodulation through yoga", in national symposium on immunity, date 12/12/19 at AIIMS Raipur.

2. Presented Oral paper titled “Biomechanics of Yoga asanas” at Annual conference of Anatomical society of India, from 17/11/19 to 20/11/19 at Delhi

3. Presented Poster titled “ Does the FAM alter the functional connectivity of DMN of brain” from 12/10/19 to 13/12/19 at NAMCON19, AIIMS Bhopal.

4. Invited for a Guest Speaker presentation entitled” Yoga: Non-Pharmacological Approach for Life style disorders” at 8th National Conference on Rational Pharmaco Therapeutics Right for patients Right for Nation from 9th to 11th Feb 2017, Govt Medical College, Raigarch (C.G).

5. Invited for a Guest Speaker presentation entitled “Functional anatomy of sunsalutation with special reference to core muscle” at National Conference of society of Clinical anatomist (SOCA) from 09/04/2016 to 10/04/2016 at S.G.R.D Institute of Medical Science and Research Amritsar (Punjab)

6. Presented Oral Prize Paper titled “Functional anatomy of core muscle and activation in different yogic posture – Conceptual review”, 21st International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Application, Jan 3-7, 2016; Prashanti Kutiram, Bengaluru, India.

7. Presented Poster tilted “Anatomical Analysis of Cobra posture and its Corelation With Lower back pain – Conceptual Paper” 21st International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Application, Jan 3-7,2016;Prashanti Kutiram, Bengaluru, India.

8. Participate as Guest Speaker in CME on Metabolic Syndrome and delivered the lecture on “Evolving role of Yoga in Metabolic Syndrome” Organized by Indian Medical Association Bilaspur on 22/03/2015.

9. Invited for Expert lecture on Functional anatomy of Yoga at National institute of Technology (NIT) at 22 Feb 2014.

10. Participate as Guest faculty to conduct the Yoga Anatomy workshop in IMA Bilaspur from 03/05/14 – 05/05/14

11. Participate as Resource Person for Stress Management Workshop Organised by Chhattisgarh State Judicial Academy, High Court of Chhattisgarh: Bilaspur on 10th July 2014.

12. Participate as Resource Person for Stress Management Workshop Organized by Chhattisgarh Administration Academy for Nayab Tahsildar on 20/08/2014

13. Invited for Expert lecture on C.M.E of Functional anatomy of Yoga at Department of Anatomy Government medical college Rewa 19th July 2013.
14. Invited in West Zone urology Conference for talk and demonstration on Functional anatomy of yoga workshop on 29/09/13 at Raipur (C.G).

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