Certification Course in Acupressure & Yogmudra

Certification Course in Acupressure & Yogmudra

-: Course Content :-

  • The top of Head
  • Between thumb
  • Index Finger
  • Between the toes
  • Between Eyes
  • Below Kneecap
  • Inside the wrist
  • Near the Heart
  • Under the foot
  • Foot Fingers
  • Yogmudras
  • Hasthmudras
  • Meditations
  • Pranayamas

WhatsApp:  +358 40 6787588

Email Us:  info.s2heu@gmail.com 


-: Relief In:-

  • Headache
  • Eye Problem
  • Ear Problem
  • Nose Problem
  • Mouth Problem
  • Shoulder & Back
  • Leg & Heel Pain
  • Varicose Veins
  • Cervical Pain
  • Sciatica Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Digestion System

Course Inclusion:

  1. Live & Recorded Session.
  2. Book in PDFs Hindi/English.

WhatsApp:  +358 40 6787588

Email Us:  info.s2heu@gmail.com 

Registration:  https://forms.gle/CHJbdqXJbcrPoYYb8