Certification Course in Yog & Naturopathy

-: Course Contents :-

  • Introduction to Yog & Naturopathy
  • Principal of Naturopathy
  • 5 Elements Importance
  • (Tridosha) Vata, Pitta & Kapha
  • Sapta Dhatu
  • Panchtatva Chikitsa
  • Health According to Ayurveda & WHO

WhatsApp:  +358 40 6787588

Email Us:  info.s2heu@gmail.com 


Certification Course in Yog & Naturopathy

Course Including:-:

  1. Recorded Sessions
  2. Books in PDFs Hindi/English
  3. Soft & Hard Copy of Certificate

WhatsApp:  +358 40 6787588

Email Us:  info.s2heu@gmail.com 

Registration:  https://forms.gle/CHJbdqXJbcrPoYYb8