In a delightful turn of events, the renowned actor Tom Hanks has publicly expressed his admiration for yoga, adding his name to the ever-growing list of high-profile individuals who have embraced this ancient practice for health and well-being. With his 60th birthday approaching on July 9, Hanks attributes his vitality and freedom from aches and pains to his dedicated yoga routine.
During an interview on a popular British morning show, Hanks shared his enthusiasm, stating, “It’s [yoga] the greatest thing you can ever do.” What sets him apart, however, is his unique approach to yoga. He prefers not to label it as such, remarking, “You don’t want to put on yoga pants and burn incense and have wind chime music while you’re doing it. I just turn on the radio really loud and, you know, count it out. I view it as glorified sit-ups, that’s what I say.” Hanks avoids the stereotypes often associated with yoga, emphasizing that it’s a practical and accessible exercise for everyone.
As someone who has been actively practising yoga for the past six years, I can vouch for the versatility and inclusivity of this practice. Whether you prefer Hatha Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, or Power Yoga, the benefits are abundant, and anyone can reap them. What’s more, you don’t need a yoga mat or special workout attire. Yoga can be incorporated into your daily routine, whether you’re at your desk, on a long flight, or enjoying a vacation in any setting – be it the hills, the beach, or a bustling city. All you need is a skilled instructor to introduce you to the joys of yoga and help you become a self-practitioner who can take this practice with you wherever you go.
With Tom Hanks openly endorsing yoga, it’s safe to say that the yoga community will continue to grow. We can expect an influx of new enthusiasts from around the world, influenced by Hanks’s positive experience. As the author, I’m not only a fan of Tom Hanks but also an advocate for yoga’s incredible benefits.
Do you practice yoga? What inspired you to start your yoga journey? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
By Tanya Agarwal
For Wellthy.Fit